Our “Safety starts with me” cutlture energizes and motivates our team, fostering an environment where everyone thrives. At PRISMO, ensuring our workforce enjoys the safest possible environment is paramount.

We’ve cultivated a culture that thrives on continuous improvement, constantly challenging ourselves and inviting stakeholders to hold us accountable to our Health, Safety, and Wellbeing values. While our certified Integrated Business Management System guides us, it’s the dedication of our people that truly sets us apart as leaders in Occupational Health, Safety, and Wellbeing within the Middle East Region.


In our rapidly evolving society, cultural change has become a prevalent and unavoidable force. As we venture further into the digital age, the world is becoming more interconnected, resulting in a melting pot of diverse cultures and ideas. Here at Prismo , we recognize the importance of embracing cultural change and its positive impact on our lives and we have adapted to benefit all our staff and in turn customers, we firmly believe EVERY SINGLE staff member has the right to “EXPECT RESPECT”.

We are continually challenging preconceived notions, stereotypes, and prejudices. It encourages authentic dialogue, leading to a greater understanding of the intricacies and nuances of various cultures. By fostering a culture of open-mindedness and curiosity, we actively contribute to creating a more inclusive and harmonious society.

Driver Behaviour Scheme

At Prismo we prioritize safe driving practices and responsible behavior of all our staff on the road. We believe that by working together, we can make our roads safer for everyone. With regular driver assessments, retraining and rewards we believe our scheme sets us apart and benefits us, our drivers and the general public.

Mental Health First Aiders

Throughout Prismo we have trained mental health first aiders, this is supported by our employee assistance programme and our staff can call upon us to get private support should they need it.

We put our people first and truly believe by investing in our people in which we ALL benefit as a direct result of this.

Human Capital

Here at Prismo to effectively manage human capital, we have adopted a strategic approach. This involves attracting top talent, providing ongoing training and development, and creating a culture that promotes continuous learning and improvement.

Additionally, we have implemented effective performance management systems and provide opportunities for employee recognition and rewards. By us recognizing the value of human capital and making it a priority, we have created a win-win situation for our employees and the overall success of our business.


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    ICAD III, Plot No : 55NR29, Mussafah, Abu Dhabi

    PB NO: 3417 - Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates